Human Physiology
by Stuart Ira Fox
The study of human physiology provides the scientific foundation for the field of medicine and all other professions related to human health and physical performance. The scope of top- ics included in a human physiology course is therefore wide- ranging, yet each topic must be covered in sufficient detail to provide a firm basis for future expansion and application. Human Physiology, fourteenth edition, is written for the undergraduate introductory human physiology course. Based on the author’s extensive experience with teaching this course, the framework of the textbook is designed to provide basic biology and chemistry (chapters 2–5) before delving into more complex physiological processes. This approach is appreciated by both instructors and students; specific references in later chapters direct readers back to the foundational material as needed, presenting a self-contained study of human physiology. In addition to not presupposing student’s preparedness, this popular textbook is known for its clear and approachable writing style, detailed realistic art, and unsurpassed clinical information
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